Friday, January 09, 2009

I can't seem to keep up with this thing.  Here is a picture of my most recent 'major accomplishment' ... painting my kitchen! I started re-covering my dining room chairs but didn't buy enough fabric.... dang.. I did manage to make matching valances for the dining room windows though.  Aqua - so retro....

1 comment:

Unknown said...


I have a Gmail account and so does Tony (
The accounts are free and you can upload your pics there too.. I "chat" with him 4 or 5 times a month ( this morning in fact)

If you set up an account. add him as one of your contacts and when you go on there and he is on at the same time there will be a Green dot next to his name... Chat away. Its kind of fun.. especially whebn you miss him as much as I do..

David J